Brand & Marketing Communications

w/Soul and Purpose

For Heart centred and Purpose driven entrepreneurs with no linear thinking. 

Do you know how to communicate with your clients and possible clients in the most effective way?

Are you aware that most communications get filtered by our feelings and looked through the lenses of our own personality?

There is also a role played by our communication’s style and our inner map of past experiences.

I am sure you know that. Yet, many entrepreneurs struggle to create and communicate their messages in ways that honours their own natural genius, the essence of their business and also their client’s natural way of connection.

It can happen too that their brands aren’t aligned with their services and products, or even with the core and soul of their business.

Being aware of all this, understanding the mechanics behind it and how we, our clients and our business are wired to communicate and connect, can help us to create messages that are clear and effective. 

Effective (and assertive) communication helps you to connect with clients and audiences on a deeper level. It also increases branding positioning.

If you add this to your business and communication’s plan, you’re set to attract the right clients, serve fully and shine. 

Be more visible. Shine your genius. Connect with the audience that’s waiting for you. And…

Stop being the best kept secret. 

 Do you have a clear map on how do it without overwhelm, feeling at ease and in flow?


Power your communications for visibility and real connection

Share your Genius to create positive Impact in the world.

Attract the clients you dream of, in your own natural way. At ease and in flow.

 Hi, my name is Tania Blanco, Conscious Communicator, and Genius’ Mentor.
In my over twenty-five years of professional experience in the field of communication and personal development, I have seen so many talented experts and solopreneurs been hiding and becoming the “best-kept secret” in their fields while trying to build their practice or business, not being able to show publicly all their expertise or willing to do it but not knowing where to start. And they finish a little frustrated and not having the clients and income they deserve.

I know it first hand. I have been there too!

I also have seen, particularly heart and mission-driven solopreneurs being reserved about the idea of “marketing themselves” or even creating a website.
I get it!

I’m fed up with the hard ways that many use as communication tactics, rooted in fear and scarcity
, especially in the online business world.
Brand communications and marketing are means to an end, not the end.
There is a big difference between creating relationships and connections -while being in service- and just creating transactions.
That’s part of my mission, to show you how to embrace your genius and communicate it clearly, honouring your self, your audience, future clients and your own business. I co-create and collaborate with my clients so they can be more visible while seeding and growing their business in a conscious way, embodying the LEADERS they are meant to BE.

Position your expertise and Stay true to your values, natural genius, your own rhythms & highest vision.

Are you ready to be more visible and connect with the clients that will make you thrive?

In your heart you know there are other ways. You also know that because of the old hustle in business, sometimes you refuse to promote your work or don’t know how to start brand-positioning your self or business. At times, you get overwhelmed or have a strange feeling when hearing the word “marketing” or the noun “sales”.

Sometimes just thinking about creating a webpage makes you feel stressed.

Your Heart’s desires are to be able to share your gift, be of service, and fulfil your mission in an uplifting way.

You want to be an expression of abundance for you and your clients, and are ready to honour your non-linear way of working, the nature of who you are and the nature of your own business, so it can flourish while creating impact and transformation.

You are ready to position yourself as the expert in your field, grow your business and as result, get more income.

If you answer “yes” to most of those statements, let’s have a conversation and find out how may I help you.

It’s all about exchange.

Sharing & Connection. Rooted in a highest purpose and values.

From all the definitions of Marketing, I love this one from Philip Kotler, father of modern marketing:  Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.” 

If you still have “seasonal allergies” to the word marketing I invite you to replace the above definition for:

Marketing equals Sharing the goodness of your gifts to open the way for connection and exchange of your talents, genius, services and products.

But before you start sharing, you need to know what are you sharing, why and how to do it in the most natural, effective and assertive way for you, your audience and your future clients.

Ways we can

collaborate with you to be more visible, position and grow your business:

Brand Analysis

An analytical and detailed look into your communications and brand to find out what is working, what is not and why.  

Branding at ease

To be more visible, position your work, and get more clients (thus, a steady income), honouring your genius blueprint.

Editorial Services

Workbooks, books and magazines creation to share your knowledge and connect with your audience.

Years of professional experience in communication, editorial design, branding and personal development.

We work in English and Spanish.

Client’s Appreciation

“I had the opportunity to work with Tania and she has helped me to effectively develop the image of my company. She is very good at what she does and has the professional tools to do it. In addition, his work reflects passion, dedication, commitment and a lot of dedication.”

Enrique Ulloa

Musician, Teacher, Diplomatic and Coach.

Tania have such brilliant ideas of how to do things better, how to improve the way I come across and improve my own presence and communications in my business. She has helped me to go from zero to where I am now, structuring the business in a way that can be put out there for my clients to know what my gift and service is about and have an easy access to it. She completely invest herself in what she does, always giving more, never holding back on anything, really having the best interest for the client in her heart, knowing and sharing what is going to be really the best for them.”

Jania Aebi

Transformational Healer, Author & Coach.